jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Answers: Reading Comprehension III

1. The text is intended to people who:
Have a dog or is planning to.

2. Wich action doesn't make you the best owner?
Feed my dog everyday.

3.- The relation between humans and dogs is from:
Ancient times

4.- What is the meaning of paragraph three?
To say that since long ago dogs have shown us its loyalty and affection and we have to give them those virtues back. OR
As dogs are lovable and loyal with us that must be reciprocal.

5.- The owner should worry when its pet's eyes are:
Milky and foggy

6.- Why is it good to make excersice with your dog?
Because that way/so it won't feel bored or anxious.

7.- Dogs like to be on a car ride because:
They love to discover new things.

8.- What object does a dog usually play with?
A dog plays usually with balls.

9.- The place where dogs really enjoy to be stroked is:
Behind its ears.

10.- The point of this text is to:
Inform the readers how to make its dog happy. OR
Inform what to do to make a dog happy.

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