martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Comprensión Auditiva / Auditive Comprehension

A short storie to practice and understand english better. After you have listened to the storie proceed to answer the questions.

1. Which is Charles' problem?
AHis bike isn't working
BHe hasn't enough petrol to drive
CA rad of his car is deflated
DHis vehicle isn't working

2. He's waiting for:
AHis friend to help him
BA tow-truck
CHis mother
DA lorry

3.- Who is coming to get him?
AHis mom
BHis wife
CHis partner
DHis brother

4. Charles lives:
AIn the suburbs
BNear where the car had a problem
CIt isn't mentioned

5.- Julia:
AGoes by bike to work
BDoesn't go to work
CDrives to work
DWalks to work


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